

The application of the dual watermarking techniques improves the robustness and imperceptibility of the
watermarking technology. The proposed technique implanted on the double watermark in the hauler picture
incorporates a dual watermark picture, a grey picture watermarking calculation. In an effort to balance both
the imperceptibility and watermarking calculation, the paper breaks down the implanting point and
procedure of transforming dominion calculations. The DC factor in the bearer picture is separated into pieces
of DCT range and band on the grouping of DWT factor strategy. It utilizes the scrambling characteristics for
the calculation to be enhanced adaptability in an embedded mode. The paper from the practical guideline,
evaluation method, performance index, attach types, classification of computerized watermarking, and
utilizations six angles were acquainted with the computerized watermarking innovation. Simulation of a
computerized picture watermarking calculation based on DCT transform and Arnold change, security,
robustness, and algorithms imperceptibility are dissected, analysing the calculation for embedding procedure.


How to Cite
Balasubramanya G S. (2016). Dual Transform Digital Watermarking. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 3(06), 4144-4148. Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/1119