

Due to advancement in the technology mostly in the digital multimedia, the storage and distribution of materials
has become very easy. This has led to security threats where copying of images, video, and audios files can be
done from one website to the other without the owner’s consent. Digital watermarking technology was therefore
developed to provide security, authenticity, and identity of digital media. This research paper reviews various
categories and algorithms involved in digital watermarking. The paper discusses the watermark embedding
algorithms as well as watermark extraction and detection algorithms. The research focuses more on application
of watermarking technology on image protection which is referred to as Image digital watermarking as well as
the various watermarking techniques used.


How to Cite
Balasubramanya G S. (2016). A Survey of Techniques in Digital Watermarking. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 3(06), 4061-4064. Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/1087