Published: 2018-07-01

Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) and Mobile Learning (m-Learning): A Survey

Mutuma Ichaba , Josephine W. Nyaga , Catherine Maina
Read Statistic: 46

Wire electrode diameter effect on cutting speed, in WEDM of varying height Inconel-718

S. R. Dhale , M. L. Kulkarni
Read Statistic: 40

Dental Photography as a Method of Documentation in Saudi Arabia

Rabea Basri , Nusrat Alam Chowdhury , Ghaida Alaskar , Hajer Aldawood, May Al Khudairy , Ashwin Shetty
Read Statistic: 53

Analysis of phenophases that control in-situ establishment of Ocotea usambarensis Engl. in the southern slopes of Mt. Kenya Forest

Rithaa J.N.*, Magana A.M. , Nduru G.M. , Githae E. W
Read Statistic: 44

Fundamental Theorem of the Theory of Superiority Complex

Desmond Ayim-Aboagye , Kwabena Awere Gyekye , Vincent Adzika
Read Statistic: 127