Published: 2018-01-01

Students’ Knowledge of HIV/AIDS and their Attitude towards Sexual Behaviour- A Comparative study of Form 1 and Form 4 secondary school students in Coast Region, Kenya

Dr Daniel Njane Thuo, Dr Barchok H. K, Prof. Veronica N., Dr Bururia D.
Read Statistic: 43

Improvisation of Training Algorithm through Hybridization for Rule Extraction

Vinita Srivastava1 , Chitra Dhawale
Read Statistic: 34

Dental Malpractice in Prosthodontics, Endodontics, and Restorative Dentistry: The Prevalence in Saudi Arabia

Rahaf Safadi, Reef Al-Safadi , Riham Al-Safadi , Aisha Qureshey , Eiman Qureshey , MĂ©dina Kerdjani , Noor Al-Swaje , Hind Al-Otaibi
Read Statistic: 64

Political Culture in Indian Society

Sumanta Kumar Paul
Read Statistic: 90

Evaluation of Earthquake Territory in Lombok using Statistical Method

Ikhwan Elhuda, Didi S. Agustawijaya, Heri Sulistiyono
Read Statistic: 44

On A Method of Estimating the Hidden Population of Drug Addicts

A.O. Ilesanmi , S.O. Adejuwon , O.Y. Halid
Read Statistic: 35