

The study was carried out to evaluate the wound healing activity of whole plant methanolic extract of
Indigofera Trita Linn (MIT) in rats. Group 1 (Positive Control) was provided mupirocin ointment, Group 2
(test dose) with 5% w/w Indigofera Trita ointment & group 3 (test dose II) with 10% w/w Indigoferatrita
Ointment. The total exposure of the study was 16 days. The group were compared for the percentage of wound
healing. It was observed the group treated with mupirocin ointments showed an increaseing the rate &
percentage of wound contraction & period of epithelization compare to the treated group. The methanolic
extract of Indigofera trita (5% & 10%) ointment increased rate of wound contraction. The study evaluated the
wound healing activity of the methanolic extract of Indigofera Trita linn and identified it to possess significant
wound healing activity


How to Cite
Dr. V. Ramamurthy , M. Sathiyadevi. (2015). Wound Healing Activity of Methanolic Extract of Indigofera Trita Linn in Rats. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 2(10), 3239-3243. Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/942