

Corporate Governance in India has seen a paradigm shift and has been posing new set of challenges to the top echelons of management in various organizations includingorganizations from the financial sector. The increasing stringencies and tighter regulatory mechanism have been the compelling reasons for the companies to have stronger focus and orientation on smooth implementation of the corporate governance code in India. The paradigm shift in the manner in which business is conducted across the world in the digital era, warrants a synchronization of the regulatory mechanisms to tackle frauds & to safeguard the interests of various stakeholders. Aclear understanding of the various changing dimensions and perspectives optimally backed by the collective will power of the corporate world as well as the government will ensure the accomplishment of shareholders’ objectives by the various organizations

Keywords: Corporate Governance, Corporate governance code, Audit committee


Author Biography

Kanika Arora, Shri Ram college of commerce

Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce,
How to Cite
Arora, K. (2014). Corporate Governance in India. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 1(03). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/91


1) Naresh Chandra committee report on http://www.nfcgindia.org/executive_summary.htm.
2) Birla committee report on 29 October 2004

3) MCA guidelines (Under Marsh Chandra committee in November 2009)

4) Varrotil umakanth india ‘s corporate governance voluntary guidelines 2009: Rhetoric or Reality (2010)

5) Afsharipur Afra A brief overview of corporate governance reforms in India at www.conferenceboard.org

6) Third annual conference on empirical legal studies http://ssrn.com/abstract=1105732

7) Act, Regulations at: http://www.sebi.gov.in/acts/act15ac.pdf.

8) The Standing Committee of the Parliament (Standing Committee) Bill, Indian Parliament in August 2010 http://www.nfcgindia.org/pdf/21_Report_Companies_Bill-2009.pdf.

9) http://www.legallyindia.com/201102181822/Analysis/exclusive-satyams-settled-us-class-action- had-no-recourse-in-india/biz/48885

10) Shah, Ajay, “Getting the Right Architecture for Corporate Governance”

11) The companies act 2013 at https://www.pwc.in/en_IN/in/assets/pdfs/publications/2013/companies-act-2013-Key-highlights-and-analysis.pdf

12) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Securities_and_Exchange_Board_of_India

13) Governance, ethics and social responsibility and business by Anil kumar, Jyotsana rajan arora.

14) The confederation of indian industry report http://www.acgaasia.org/public/files/CII_code_1998.pdf

15) http://www.slideshare.net