

The Cemento binding composition comprising of marble slurry waste in dry form ,fly ash from thermal power
plant ,hydrated lime and mineral gypsum is for improving early strength, setting time in comparison to prior
art and to overcome the shrinkage and temperature movement in the cement for masonry structures. The
marble slurry waste is in dry powder form or mines waste in powder form or carbonated lime sludge. This
research also includes the process for preparing the composition.


How to Cite
Dharam Prakash Sharma, G. P. S. ,. (2015). Utilization of Marble Slurry as Cemento Binding Composition in Masonary Structures. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 2(09), 3172-3174. Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/908