

Image compression is the rendition of image statistics in an accent to a new condensed form. The intent of
image compression is to moderate replication of the image statistics appropriate towards stance competent
to hoard or prolix data in a proficient custom. In this broadsheet, the prominence of image compression
will be fleetingly conferred. Hitherto, the standard of image compression and the two curricula of image
compression practices, lossless image compression and lossy image compression, will be lead. Certain
research and real flora and fauna custom of image compression in satellite images are likewise conversed
well ahead in this broadsheet


How to Cite
Dr P S. Jagadeesh Kumar. (2015). Satellite Image Compression with Cross Protocol Leeway: An Autopsy. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 2(09), 3163-3171. Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/907