

Background: In order to ensure the better teaching-learning methodology in pharmacology, regular feedback
from students about their views of learning experience is a very important.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to know the perceptions and feedback on teaching–learning
methodology and evaluation methods in pharmacology.
Materials and Methods: This is a detailed structured questionnaire study carried out in the Government
Medical college, Ananthapuramu, during the period September 2014 involving 2nd year under graduate medical
students (99) of Government M7fedical College, Ananthapuramu . 99 students were surveyed with pre validated
Statistical analysis: analysis of data and results were expressed as percentage.
Results: The views of the students were implementation of microteaching sessions, audiovisual aided lectures
(PPT, OHP), interactive classes, Student seminar and Demonstrations, integrated teaching on specific
conditions, more practical exercises on Dose schedule and calculation and patient oriented Drug administration
procedure, rationale prescription. Continuation of teaching on resent, advanced topics after second year.
Inclusion of multiple choice questions (MCQs) is desired by the participants of our study.
Conclusion: The students’ feedback serves as useful tool for effective teaching learning methodology. Lectures
with bilateral communication, patient oriented clinical problem solving are the preferred mode of learning.


How to Cite
Dr S. Shyamala Devi, MD, D. D. A. K. M. ,K. S. M. ,. (2015). Concise and Informative Title of the Manuscript: Perception and Feedback of Second Year Medical Students on Teaching Learning Methodology and Evaluation Methods in Pharmacology. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 2(09), 3156-3162. Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/906