

Mobile communication with new technology is the fastest growing area with regularly increased data rates and coverage areas. Therefore the upcoming challenge is to make the best possible use of the available different types of networks. For connecting mobile heterogeneous networks handover is necessary. In this paper UMTS technology is used to describe the handover from one mobile circle to another. The third generation mobile communication system UMTS is the successor of GSM technology. It supports the seamless handover between cells of one operator and efficient handover between UMTS and 2nd generation. This paper covers the basic architecture of the UMTS network, the different parts and connections between them are also described.  This paper focuses on the different handover types in the third generation mobile system Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) .At the end of the paper the comparison between the different types of handover is also discussed.


Author Biographies

Shivani Achrya, M.Tech scholar B.I.T.S, Bhiwani, Haryana, India.

Computer Science Dept.

Trilok Gaba, Assistant Professer B.I.T.S, Bhiwani, Haryana, India.

Computer Science Dept.
How to Cite
Achrya, S., & Gaba, T. (2014). A Review: Handover in 3G/UMTS Network. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 1(03). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/86


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