

A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a continuous self configuring infrastructure less network of mobile devices connected without wires. In this network several nodes exchange packets simultaneously to the destination node. Due to congestion in the network the transmitted packets doesn’t get delivered to destination efficiently. So here AODV (Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector) protocol with ATIM (Ad Hoc Traffic Indication Message) window is used to overcome   the problem of congestion and power saving is done through IEEE 802.11 power saving mechanisms. The conclusion of the paper is done by evaluating the performance of the AODV protocol with respect to Delay, Energy and Packet delivery fraction.



Author Biographies

Manju M M, Maharaja Institute of Technology, Mysore, Karnataka

M. Tech Student

Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering,

Santhy Ajish, Maharaja Institute of Technology, Mysore, Karnataka

Asst. Prof

Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering,

Rakshith K, Maharaja Institute of Technology, Mysore, Karnataka

Research scholar

Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering,

How to Cite
M, M. M., Ajish, S., & K, R. (2015). Congestion Control In Wireless Peer Networks. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 2(08). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/838


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2. Sumit Kothari “Awareness in Congestion for Multipath Load Balancing in MANET”
3. B. Siva Kumar, “power –aware routing in MANET using randomized casting”
4. B.Brahma Reddy “ Energy Optimization using Cross-Layer Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks”
5. Shivinder Kapoor “Stable AODV Protocol in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network”
6. Abdelfattah Belghith “Traffic Aware Power Saving Protocol in Multi-hop Mobile Ad-hoc networks”
7. Amith Khandakar “Step by Step Procedural Comparison of DSR, AODV and DSDV Routing protocol
8. Rajiv misra “performance comparison of AODV/DSR on demand routing protocols for ad hoc networks in constrained situation”
9. Salman Bhimla “Comparison between AODV protocol and DSR protocol in MANET”
10. Soumen Saha “AODV Routing Protocol Modification with Broadcasting RREQ Packet in VANET”
11. Gaurav Sharma “Congestion Control in Adhoc Network “
12. Bandana Bhatia “AODV based Congestion Control Protocols: Review”
13. KeXu “A Model Approach to the Esti-mation of Peer-to-Peer Traffic Matrices”
14. O.O. Abiona “Architectural Model for Wireless Peer-to-Peer (WP2P) File Sharing for Ubiquitous Mobile Devices”
15. Vishnu kumar Sharma “ mobile agent based congestion control using aodv routing protocol technique for mobile ad-hoc network”