

Many researches in wireless sensor network aims to minimize energy consumption, as energy is the primary life factor of a node. In this paper, hierarchical protocol, i.e. clustering concept is used to minimize energy consumption. The proposed protocol is a mobile data collector based architecture which is an improvement of LEACH-C (Low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy-centralized) protocol. In this variable round time method is used instead of constant round time method, which provides multi-hop communication between node and base station. Mobile data collector architecture typically can be used for large geographical regions. The proposed protocol is simulated by using NS2 simulator. This shows the improvement of energy utilization and throughput compared with existing protocols like LEACH-C and LEACH-M.

Keywords: Wireless sensor network, Cluster, Cluster Head and LEACH, Routing etc…


Author Biographies

Avinash Nayaka, MIT, Mysuru, Karnataka

M Tech Student, Department of Electronics and Communication, 

Santhy Ajish, MIT, Mysuru, Karnataka

Asst. Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication, 

Rakshith K, MIT, Mysuru, Karnataka

Research Scholar, 

Department of Electronics and Communication

How to Cite
Nayaka, A., Ajish, S., & K, R. (2015). Energy Efficient Hierarchical Based Routing Protocol for Mobile Wireless Sensor Network. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 2(07). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/827


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