

Safety critical system always provides the automatic system machine where automation testing become an important part for safety. Automation testing is one way to change the way to operate Safety critical system. This is achieved by changing the nature of the tasks that the operators perform. Safety standard assures the little about design and verification of operating procedures. Safety in coma system is maintained by using model checker and mutation testing model. The model checker is used for validating informal hazard analysis result. The coma monitoring system verifies the erroneous human behavior in coma patient system using model checker in which mutation testing method analyze the human behavior interface with the system and generate the invalid actions. The state diagram of coma patient recognition system use for identify whether the system is in safe state or in unsafe state. Testing is important in order to achieve sufficiently high software quality. Test-suite derived from the specification can only be as good as the specification itself.

Keywords: Model Checking, Task analysis, System Safety, Human Automation Interaction (HAI), coma, coma Patient Monitoring, Mutation testing, mutants, specification.


Author Biography

Manisha Umak, Prof. U. A. Jogalekar, Smt. Kashibai Navale college of Engineering, Vadgaon (BK), Pune

Pune University
How to Cite
Prof. U. A. Jogalekar, M. U. (2015). Control Model for Analyzing Erroneous Human Behavior a System Safety Using Model Checker with Mutation Testing Approach. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 2(07). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/823


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