

The cloud computing is the emerging technology growing rapidly with its services. Cloud storage is one of the many services it is rendering. This cloud storage not only allows the clients to store their huge volume of precious data, also provides a facility to move the data out to the other cloud storage or data centers .In these cases, the data may be corrupted or may be compromised by data centers. Hence the clients must be alert to assure the integrity and correctness of their data.

This paper aims to provide assurance of integrity, hence DIP is put forth. The issues fault tolerance and recovery procedures are addressed as additional features.  Regenerating codes are introduced to give the above said features by distributing the chunks of data among different servers randomly and only the lost part of data is regenerated in to new server. Thus repair traffic is minimized and fault tolerance is provided. The tests are conducted under different parameters for the efficiency.

Keywords: Cloud storage, Data integrity, fault tolerance, regenerating codes, repair traffic


Author Biographies

Bhavyashree K P, Shridevi Institute of Engineering and Tech., Tumkur

Master of Technology, Dept of Computer Science

GuruPrakash C D, Shridevi Institute of Engineering and Tech., Tumkur

Head & Professor, Dept of Computer science,
How to Cite
K P, B., & C D, G. (2015). Assuring Data Integrity in Cloud Using Regenerating Codes. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 2(06). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/749


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