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With tremendous growth of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Wireless sensor network has major contribution in big data gathering. Even if data generated by individual sensor is not significant, the overall data generated by all sensors in the network is contributed for generation of significant portion of big data. Hence, the energy efficient big data gathering is a very challenging task in the densely deployed wireless sensor network. Also cluster formation before data collection from sensors in the network is additional challenge. Recent research addressed these challenges with mobile sink, which in turn raise the challenge of determining the sink nodes trajectory. In this paper we have proposed new solution, M-mobile collector based data gathering with network clustering based on improved Expectation maximization technique. Mobile collectors traverse a fixed path to collect data from cluster centroids and sensors in the clusters. Finally all the collected data is transferred amongst M-collectors to reach to the static sink node. Also we derive optimal number of clusters to minimize the energy consumption.

Keywords: Big data, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), clustering, optimization, data gathering, and energy efficiency.


Author Biographies

Amruta S. Pattanshetti, PVPIT College, Pune, Maharashtra

ME –II Student

Mr. N. D. Kale, PVPIT College, Pune, Maharashtra

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering
How to Cite
Pattanshetti, A. S., & Kale, M. N. D. (2015). Big-Data Gathering Using Mobile Collector in Densely Deployed Wireless Sensor Network. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 2(06). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/734


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