

Mobile ad hoc networks will often be deployed in environments where the nodes of the networks are unattended and have little or no physical protection against tampering. The clients of mobile ad hoc networks are so susceptible to compromise. The nets are specially vulnerable to denial of service (DoS) attacks launched through compromised nodes or intruders. In this report, we investigated the effects of location attacks in Network Simulation 2 (NS-2) and measured the packet delivery ratio and packet delay under different Location frequency and different routine of attack modes. Simulation results indicate that with the increase the location, frequency and the number of attack modes, network performance drops. Meanwhile the packet delay firstly increases and then pass up to a value of constancy in the terminal. Simulate in NS-2 Existing statements are primarily focused on finding the malicious node, but they are hardware specific like directional antennas and synchronized clocks. Only the suggested algorithm is both software and hardware specific. An linux based RToS is included to create the ad hoc network a real time application.



Author Biographies

M.Rajaram Kannammal*, Annauniversity chennai

*PARK college of Engineering & Technology, Kaniyur as Assistant Professor in Electronics & Communication department.

Dr. V. Sumathy**

**Govt college of Technology, Coimbatore as Associate Professor in Electronics & Communication department.

V. Ramasamy***

***PARK college of Engineering & Technology, Kaniyur as Assistant Professor in Computer Science& Engineering department
How to Cite
Kannammal*, M., Sumathy**, D. V., & Ramasamy***, V. (2014). Experimental Evaluation of Location attacks in Mobile ad hoc Networks Implementation with Linux based Real time Systems. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 1(03). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/68


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