

Stemming is a process in in which different morphological variants of a word is transformed into its root form. A stemmer involves removing prefixes and suffixes of a word to reduce a word to its root form. This process is used in information retrieval systems and text applications in order to improve the efficiency of text retrieval.

Keywords: over stemming, under stemming, inflections, derivational analysis, rule based stemmer


Author Biographies

Anvitha Hegde, MSRIT, Bangalore

M.Tech, Dept. of ISE

Mrs Savitha K Shetty, MSRIT, Bangalore

Dept of ISE

How to Cite
Hegde, A., & Shetty, M. S. K. (2015). A Study on Stemming Algorithms. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 2(05). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/673


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