

Let us recall for a moment, “Change is the Law of Lifeâ€! 

Credit goes to one of the late Presidents of India, His Excellency, Dr. S.Radhakrishnan  for having said that

This is globally applicable to all forms of Life including that of old and new Nations aiming for peace & friendship with one and all . All peoples of all Nations in the World of today are fascinated by the global awareness of mutual peace & friendship in such a manner that they are fond of global systems seeking new global orientation to their present mindset without which Modernisation, Expansion and Diversification for Economic  Growth are nearly  constrained  by  the steady and persistent rise in the strength of respective populations. Upliftment of each one of the differently abled Nations to higher conditions of Power of Growth could be achieved with Global Systems truly in mind and such a mind unexaggeratedly is a global mind. Hence Mind in Global Systems drawing the advantage of Economic Growth with a global prescence for  people and populations globally.

The Author scanned several resources he could lay his hands on in the beginning of this April Summer, 2015 AD. to ferret out legal, scientific and social formulations of minds all over the Globe that led to achievements called  global systems and duly recognized so. In the process, the Research surprisingly found out that scientific and legal formulations superseded other kinds of social formulations making prominent global systems. Consequently, this Higher Study born out of its preoccupation with Recognition of Mind in Global Systems.              

Key Words:  Change, Global System, Mind, Growth, Nations,  Credit,  President . Scientific. 


How to Cite
Rao, D. R. S. (2015). Recognition of Mind in Global Systems --- A Higher Study. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 2(05). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/666


1. Frank A. G. (1983). 'World System in Crisis' in 'Contending Approaches to World System Analysis' Beverly Hills: Sage
2. Tibor Scitovsky. (1951). Welfare and Competition. Irwin Series in Economics. Printed in America.
3. Roland Robertson. (1992). Globalization: Social Theory and Global Culture. Sage Publications, London
4. Gestalt psychology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/-Gestalt_psychology
5. M.S.Parthasarathy.(1978). Leading Indian Cases. N.M. Thripathi Private Limited. Bombay.
6. Scientific Contributions Steve Omohundro steveomohundro.com/ scientific- contribu-tions/ The idea is to start with provably safe intentionally limited systems and The Emerging Global Mind.
7. Current Global Systems Initiatives – Louise Diamond
www.louisediamond.com/GSR14.html The Global Systems Review critical world. with the realities of our times – that is, a recognition of mind.
8. GLOBAL THINKING & EDUCATION - The Global Education. www.globaleducationconference.com/... /globalawareness.../. Mind is depended on forces of both internal and external Global Thinking/Global Systems Thinking
9. The Complexities of Global Systems History - Center for the ... vserver1.cscs.lsa.umich.edu/~spage/PAPERS/GlobalHistory.doc