

To style effective information processing system user navigation may well be an enormous challenge. A main reason is that website|internet site|site|computer|computing machine|computing device|data processor|electronic computer|information processing system} developers have to be compelled to style a web site otherwise than the other users. completely different strategies have to be compelled to be generated to relink the WebPages, so the user navigation ar typically merely done. The new organized ways ar unpredictable, disorienting worth can’t be analyzed. This paper introduces information processing system whereas not substantial changes. User navigation may be reduced victimization mathematical programming and together alteration to Structure. The Result shows that it improved its user navigation and together it's effectively solved. to boot we've got an inclination to outlined 2 all completely different methods: assess performance of information processing system and real information set. The result together shows that user navigation has been improved greatly. The observation is disoriented user ar quite that of improved structure users.

Index Terms— net Personalization, net Transformation,DOM Tree, greatest Forward Reference, mini Sessions, Out- Degree Threshold, web site style, User Navigation, Web Mining, Mathematical Programming.


Author Biographies

Pratik Kawale, Urvi Pimparkar, Pooja Singh, Sandip Institute of technology And Research Centre, Nashik, Maharashtra, 422213


Amol Potgantwar, Sandip Institute of technology And Research Centre, Nashik, Maharashtra, 422213

HOD, IT Dept
How to Cite
Pooja Singh, P. K. U. P., & Potgantwar, A. (2015). Website Structure Improvement using User Navigation Monitoring and Web Mining. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 2(04). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/617


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