

Web usage mining is the third category in the web mining and it is the process of extracting useful information from the server logs. It is valuable not only to the businesses using online marketing, but also to the e-business. This types of web mining is used to gather the important information from customers visiting the site. The companies can study visitors activities through web analysis. This process is used to find out what users are looking for on the internet. In this some users might be looking for the textual data and some users might be looking for the multimedia data. Usage mining is classified into different kinds of data. Web server data, application server data and application level data. First, In web server data the user logs are collected by the web server. Second, The key feature of the application server data is the ability to track the various kinds of business events and log them in the application server logs. Finally, application level data is used to define an new kinds of events in an application.

Keywords: server logs, web analysis, web server data, application server data, application level data       


How to Cite
S.Priyadharshini, S. (2015). A Survey on Web Usage Mining. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 2(03). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/529


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