

We present a new protocol for electronic cash which is designed to function on hardware with limited computing power. The scheme has provable security properties and low computational requirements, but it still gives a fair amount of privacy. Another feature of the system is that there is no master secret that could be used for counterfeiting money if stolen.  We introduce the notion of hierarchical group signatures. This is a proper generalization of group signatures, which allows multiple group managers organized in a tree with the signers as leaves. For a signer that is a leaf of the sub tree of a group manager, the group manager learns which of its children that (perhaps indirectly) manages the signer.

Keywords: electronic cash; security properties; counterfeiting ; computational; hierarchical


Author Biography

Dr Daruri Venugopal, Siddhartha Institute Of Technology And Science Narapally, Ghatkesar, R.R. Dist

M. Tech; Ph.D; Ph.D (Post.Doc.)

Professor in Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering



How to Cite
Venugopal, D. D. (2015). Network Security Cryptographic Protocols and Lattice Problems. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 2(02). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/500


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