

This paper presents a bottle shaped cut slot microstrip patch antenna and experimentally studied on IE3D, an electromagnetic simulation package by Zeland Software Inc.. In, the presented work an rectangle patch is taken  and that rectangal patch of dimensions, is cut into the slot than the previous one is removed from it ,a shaped  is formed that  shped is named as “A bottle shaped cut slot microstrip patch antenna “,After simulation through different frequencies the best result. A bottle shaped cut slot microstrip patch antenna is designed on a FR4 substrate of thickness 1.524 mm and relative permittivity of 4.4 and mounted above the ground plane at a height of 1.6 mm.In base shape microstrip patch antenna ,Bandwidth is 4% at 4.5GHz and 4% at 4.9GHz but In bottle shape cut slot , Bandwidth as high as 6.4 %& 4.8% at 7.10GHz & 7.82% are achieved with stable pattern characteristics, such as gain and cross polarization, within its bandwidth. Impedance bandwidth, antenna gain and return loss are observed for the proposed antenna. Details of the measured and simulated results are presented and discussed.


Author Biographies

Khushboo Naruka, jaipur national university jaipur

Department of ECE JNU, Jaipur

Prof.(Dr.) Sudhir Kumar Sharma, Jaipur national university Jaipur

Department of ECE JNU, Jaipur
How to Cite
Naruka, K., & Sharma, P. S. K. (2014). Bottle shape cut slot Microstrip patch antenna. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 1(02). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/46


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