

Cloud computing is a technique to deliver software, storage and processing. The idea increases system’s functionality without having adjusting the existing national infrastructure, training new people or maybe using licenses for that computer software. The idea boosts the existing computer software features as well as expands the knowledge Technological innovation sources. Lately, cloud computing has exploded upward swiftly as well as increased the company notion inside it market. Irrespective of all the so-called triumphs with cloud computing, stability is still an essential obstacle with cloud computing paradigm. These types of difficulties consist of user’s secret information (like health insurance and economic data) reduction, leakage as well as exposing connected with privacy. We have analyzed literary works as well as outlined a variety of forms with cloud computing, it demonstrates that privacy/security in cloud is still undeveloped.

Keywords: Data protection, Security issues, Cloud computing, Data privacy.


Author Biographies

Khushbu Dixit, LNCTs, Bhopal

M.Tech Scholar

Mr. Amrit Suman, Mrs. Sadhna K. Mishra, LNCTs, Bhopal

CSE Dept
How to Cite
Dixit, K., & Mrs. Sadhna K. Mishra, M. A. S. (2014). A Survey on Data Protection in Cloud Computing. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 1(10). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/454


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