

The aim of the present investigation has led to a simplified period–height equation for use in the seismic assessment of RC buildings, taking due accounts of the presence of moment-resisting and shear walls. The period of vibration which has been derived herein represents the period of first mode of vibration. The study includes the seismic response of regular and irregular buildings and soil flexibility using the Winkler’s soil model. The parameters considered for the given study are three different types of soil (i.e, soft, medium and hard), for  high seismic zone and building irregularities like plan irregularity, vertical irregularities such as, Mass irregularity, Non parallel, offset irregularity, re-entrant corners irregularity and stiffness irregularity, as per IS:1893-2002 for 10, 15, 20 storey buildings. Various analytical models for the parametric study are modeled using Etabs.V.9.2 software. Various parametric studies have carried out to estimate the fundamental time period of the structure with moment-resisting frame and shear walls.

Index Terms—Moment-resisting frame , Time period, shear walls, Irregularity in buildings, Nonlinear regression.


Author Biographies

Sanjay S J, BGSIT B.G.Nagar, Mandya Karnataka

Assistant Professor Dept. of Civil

Manu Vijay, ATME, Mysore, Karnataka

Assistant Professor Dept. of Civil
How to Cite
S J, S., & Vijay, M. (2014). Simplified Equation for Estimating the Period of Vibration of Buildings with Moment-resisting Frame and Shear Walls. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 1(10). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/448


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