

It is observed that the structure in high seismic areas may be susceptible to the sever damage. Safety and minimum damage level of a structure could be the prime requirement of tall buildings. To get these requirement the structure should have adequate lateral strength, lateral stiffness, and sufficient ductility. Now a day shear wall and diagonal bracing are most popular system to resist lateral loads due to earthquake, wind etc. Shear wall has high in plane stiffness and strength which can be used to simultaneously resist large horizontal loads and support gravity loads but the diagonal bracing will be the viable solution for enhancing earthquake resistance. In this study R.C.C  Building  (G+10)  is modelled and analyzed in seven parts i) Model without Shear wall and Bracing (Bare frame). ii) Model with Shear wall providing at corner side. iii) Model with Shear wall providing at perimeter side. iv) Model with Shear wall providing at centre side. v) Model with diagonal bracing at corner side. vi) Model with diagonal  bracing at perimeter side. vii) Model with diagonal  bracing at centre area. The computer aided analysis is done by using E-TAB to find out effective lateral load system during earthquake in high seismic areas.

Key words: R.C. frame, Lateral displacement, Storey shear, Storey drift, Base shear, etc.


Author Biographies

Miss. Pallavi M. Shende, M.S. Bidve Engineering College, Latur-413512

Student (M.E. Civil /Structures)

Dr. A.S. Kasnale, M.S. Bidve Engineering College, Latur-413512

M.E. (Co-ordinator), Associate Professor
How to Cite
Shende, M. P. M., & Kasnale, D. A. (2014). Effect of Diagonal Bracing and Shear Wall in Multi Storied Building. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 1(09). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/413


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