

The phase noise performance  involving   two  different microwave analog frequency dividers  we  are characterized and compared  by the  values  consumed   applying   effortless  theories of noise  with  injection-locked systems.  your current   directly  measurement of one’sdivider noise  with a  low phase noise synthesizer is not accurate enough,  plus the  residua! Noise system is used.  your current  noise levels observed  utilizing   the actual  technique, between -120  AND  -15!i dBc/Hz  at   the  10 kHz offset frequency, demonstrate  that the  divider noise  can be   crammed   lower   when compared with  the phase noise  regarding   many  microwave free  operating  oscillators, even if  the  noise  is actually  still high  with  respect  for the  residual noise of amplifiers realized  with the  same active devices.  the down conversion  associated with microwave sources up  to be able to  40 GHz  is usually  proposed as  a good   application.


Author Biographies

Mr. Sathish Kumar. M, Saveetha School of Engineering, Saveetha University

Department of ECE

Mr. Saravanan. R, Saveetha School of Engineering, Saveetha University

Department of ECE

Dr. Jaiganesh. B, Saveetha School of Engineering, Saveetha University

Associate Professor, Department of ECE
How to Cite
M, M. S. K., R, M. S., & B, D. J. (2014). LabVIEW Based Phase Noise Performance associated with Microwave Analog Frequency Dividers Application for the Characterization involving Oscillators up for the Millimeter-Wave Range. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 1(09). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/391


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