

Considering the impacts of Industrial effluents on the water quality of many ponds, lakes, reservoirs and rivers as reported in the literature, the present study of water quality of a polluted pond was undertaken. Several Physico-Chemical parameters of the polluted pond river Noyyal connected namely Sulur pond at Coimbatore district were analyzed to evaluate its suitability for public use. Many methods of water quality determination have been discussed. A simple but useful index is the National Sanitation Foundation-water quality index (NSF-WQI).This index can be calculated by determines only eight Physico-chemical Parameters like DO, PH, BOD, Total phosphate, Nitrates, TDS, Turbidity and Faecal coliforms. The water quality of the pond was found to be medium.

Key words: Physico-chemical parameter, Water quality, River Noyyal, Sulur pond, anthropogenic pollution


Author Biographies

M. Jeyaraj, Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology Coimbatore- 641008, T.N Reseach and Development Centre Bharathiyar University Coimbatore, T.N

Department of Chemistry

G. Nirmaladevi, SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore-64110, T.N Research and Development Centre Bharathiyar University Coimbatore, T.N

Department of Chemistry

P.N. Magudeswaran, Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology Coimbatore- 641008, T.N Reseach and Development Centre Bharathiyar University Coimbatore, T.N

Department of Chemistry
How to Cite
Jeyaraj, M., Nirmaladevi, G., & Magudeswaran, P. (2014). Assessment of Water Quality Index of Sulur Pond, Coimbatore-Tamilnadu India. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 1(07). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/351


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