

An image watermarking is process of embed an image with some parameter (secondary parameter) known as watermark image but without any degradation or deterioration in image quality to offer copyright protection. Copyright protection means protection from illegal copying for one’s intellectual property. Here the method of nested digital image watermarking is used. Nesting of image watermarking means when a watermark is embedded into the other watermark. The Randomized Least Significant Bit (RLSB) hiding algorithm is used for the process embedding because it has the lesser complexity and also it is more robust to variations with the type of image. And the blowfish cryptographic algorithm is used for encryption. Here encryption done into watermark image before embedding with the cover image. Here the concept of encrypt the watermark image before embedded with the main image just to increase the level of security of the watermarked image.

Keywords: Image Watermarking, RLSB, Blowfish Algorithm, Copyright Protection.


Author Biographies

Mayuri Verma, FET, SSGI, SSTC, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, India

M.E (CTA) Scholar,

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Samta Gajbhiye, FET, SSGI, SSTC, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, India

Sr.Associate Professor,

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

How to Cite
Verma, M., & Gajbhiye, S. (2014). Randomized LSB Hiding Algorithm for Nested Image Watermarking. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 1(07). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/333


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