

This algorithm is used to minimize the blocking probability and increase the services. Handoff is very important concern in communication. It is related with the mobile phone. When a mobile user travels from one area of coverage or cell to another cell within a call’s duration the call should be transferred to the new cell’s base station. Otherwise, the call will be dropped because the link with the current base station becomes too weak as the mobile recedes. Indeed, this ability for transference is call handoff. Handoff is very rigorous process. Performance of handoff is very important issue.

In this paper performance of preemptive handoff is analysed by the combined algorithm for real time services and non-real time services by using MATLAB. Blocking probability is minimized in proposed algorithm.

We  choose  the  fluid  flow  model  [19]  as  the  mobility  model  of  mobile  users. However, our proposed method can be easily used to other mobility models as well. The model  assumes  a uniform density of users  throughout  the  area  and  also  assumes  that  a user is equally likely to move in any direction with respect to the cell boundary.Blocking probabilities for both originating and handoff calls has been analyzed for real time and non real time services. The blocking probabilities have been minimized to optimum level. Starvation of non real time calls has also been minimized with the proposed design of hybrid handoff.The algorithm has been analyzed using the markov chain and SOR iteration method. Other suitable methods may find more minimum level of blocking of call. These equations have some of the drawbacks like complex nature of Poisson’s distribution.

We are using MAT-LAB software for simulation of markov chain equations and passion distribution equations to calculate the blocking probability of handoff real time and Non real time calls and originating calls blocking probabilities.

MAT LAB -7.12 is a high-level language and interactive environment that enables you to perform computationally intensive tasks faster than with traditional programming languages such as C, C++, and FORTRAN.

Keywords: Preemptive handoff, MATLAB 7.11, SOR method, Itreative method, exponential distribution generator


Author Biography

Reena Dahiya, SGT Institute of Engg.& Technology Budhera, Gurgaon India

Research Scholar

CSE Department

How to Cite
Dahiya, R. (2014). Combined Algorithm For Minimize the Blocking Probability of Real Time and Non-Real Time Services in Handoff. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 1(05). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/234


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