

Abstract: - Cloud provides enormous capacity of storage for cloud users. It is more reliable and flexible to users to store and retrieve their data at anytime and anywhere. It is an increasingly growing technology. Nowadays, many enterprises have started using cloud storage due to its advantages. Even though the cloud continues to gain popularity in usability and attraction, the problems lie in data security, data confidentiality, privacy and other data protection issues. Security and Confidentiality of data stored in the cloud are major setbacks in the field of Cloud Computing. Security and Confidentiality are the key issues for cloud storage. This paper proposes a Blowfish encryption algorithm to address the security and Confidentiality issue in cloud storage in order to protect the data stored in the cloud.

Keywords: Cloud Storage, Security, Confidentiality, Encryption Algorithm, Cryptography



How to Cite
Subhash, S. B. (2014). Data Confidentiality in Cloud Computing with Blowfish Algorithm. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 1(01). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/2


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