

Abstract: Any project that is going to be involved in construction industry must start with the general planning before engaging with the contractors. Planning is defined as the process of developing the project plan. Planning outlines how the project is to be done by specifying some pre-determined and committed future course of action to achieve its goal. Generally planning is of two types namely Pre-planning and Actual planning. Pre-planning summarizes the detailed information about productivities and work volumes in building construction. Actual planning is any changes in the on-going process due to the above said factors are rectified. This study aims at collection of data regarding Pre- planning and Actual planning. A comparative study is to be done about the failures and drawbacks of the Pre-planning and success of the Actual planning using Microsoft Project


Author Biography

B.Annalakshmi, Dr.C.Antony Jeyasehar, Dr.P.Valli, Annamalai University

Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Annamalai University,
How to Cite
Dr.P.Valli, B. D. J. (2014). COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PRE-PLANNING AND ACTUAL PLANNING PROCESS IN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIES. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 1(02). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/18


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