

Handoff is very important concept in mobile computing. When a mobile user travels from one area of coverage or cell to another cell within a call’s duration the call should be transferred to the new cell’s base station. Otherwise, the call will be dropped because the link with the current base station becomes too weak as the mobile recedes. Indeed, this ability for transference is a design matter in mobile cellular system design and is call handoff. Handoff is very rigorous process. Performance of handoff is very important issue. There are many types of handoff in the mobile computing.

In this paper performance of preemptive handoff is analysed by the combined algorithm for real time services and non-real time services by using MATLAB.We  choose  the  fluid  flow  model  [19]  as  the  mobility  model  of  mobile  users. However, our proposed method can be easily used to other mobility models as well.


Author Biography

Reena, Pritika, SGT Intitute of Engg.& Technology Budhera,Gurgaon India

Research Scholar

CSE Department


How to Cite
Pritika, R. (2014). Performance Analysis of Combined Algorithm for Preemptive Handoff of Real Time and Non-Real Time Services. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 1(05). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/174


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