

Background: Health implications of asbestos roofing are the first of its kind and there are no studies on it.

Objectives: To see prevalence of health implications of the household members related to the asbestos roofing and suggest remedies for the same.

Materials and method: Households with asbestos roofing in suburban area are enumerated down and 100 household are selected randomly and members clinically examined. Analysis is done in SPSS 21.

Results: Prevalence of Dermatological Pathology found to be 68%. Females affected more than males.(p < .001 ). Face & neck being the more common parts affected, with skin lesions(p< .01).  Presence of plants and trees surrounding the household and the presence of dermatological lesions are negatively correlated.

Conclusion: Housing pattern with asbestos as roofing has certainly effect on the health and is associated with skin pathology.

Key words: asbestos roofing, health implications, sub-urban area.


Author Biography

Dr. A. Kasthuri*, Dr. K. Mohana Krishnan**, Sri Muthukumaran Medical College, Mangadu, Chennai

*Asst Professor, Dept. of Community Medicine

**Professor, Dept. of Microbiology

How to Cite
Dr. K. Mohana Krishnan**, D. A. K. (2014). “Asbestos Roofing” as “Housing Pattern” and Its Implications on Health of the Households in Sub Urban Area of Chennai. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 1(04). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/155


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