

In this research project we are enhancing the software quality measurement using API and theoretic information metrics. Along with the new set of metrics that measure the quality of modularization of a non-object-oriented software system, we are presenting metrics that also measures the quality of modularization of object oriented software system. We have proposed a set of design principles to capture the notion of modularity and defined metrics centered on these principles. These metrics characterize the software from a variety of perspectives: structural, architectural, and notions such as the similarity of purpose and commonality of goals. (By structural, we are referring to inter module coupling-based notions, and by architectural, we mean the horizontal layering of modules in large software systems.) We employ the notion of API (Application Programming Interface) as the basis for our structural metrics.

In addition to this, we proposed a System to measure the quality of modularization of object-oriented software system. Here our work is proposed in three Parts as follows:


Index Terms— Application programming interface; modularization; dependency; communication. 


Author Biographies

Ruchi Kulkarni, NRI Institutions, University of RGPV Bhopal (MP)

M-TECH *,Department of Information Technology

Samidha Diwedi Sharma, NRI Institutions, University of RGPV Bhopal (MP)

Prof, Department of Information Technology

How to Cite
Kulkarni, R., & Sharma, S. D. (2014). Object Oriented Software Modularization Quality Measurement Based On API and Information Theoretic Metrics. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 1(04). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/148


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