

Aim: The aim of this study was to detect the knowledge and awareness of dentists practicing dental
implantology in Saudi Arabia regarding the diagnosis and treatment of peri-implantitis.
Materials and Methods: 100 dentists practicing dental implantology in Saudi Arabia were randomly
selected and asked to answer a systematized questionnaire about the diagnosis and treatment of periimplantitis that comprised of six parts as the following: The dentist’s demographic data, bacteria, implant
surface, antimicrobials and antibiotics, diagnosis, management and treatment modalities of peri-implantitis.
The sample of the study consisted of dentists who hadn’t received any specialty or training degree other than
implantology and dentists who had received other specialty degree in addition to implantology. The validity
and the reliability of the questionnaire were tested. The data obtained were tabulated, and the statistical
parameter was estimated.
Results: The majority of the dentists agreed that treated-surface implants have better osseointegration and
higher long-term success rate in comparison to smooth-surface implants. Also, roughly half or more than
half the dentists used the diagnostic parameters bleeding on probing, probing depth, suppuration, and bone
loss ≥2 mm for the detection of peri-implantitis. In addition, the most preferable surgical treatment modality
employed by the dentists for implants with peri-implantitis was bone grafting combined with a membrane.
Furthermore, the most preferable delayed loading protocol chosen by the dentists for definitive prosthesis
installation after implant placement was 3-6 months.
Conclusion: There is need for randomized clinical trials on the pathogenesis, etiology, diagnostic
parameters, and treatment modalities of peri-implantitis with large sample sizes. Workshops and symposia
are recommended.


How to Cite
Al-Safadi, R., Al-Safadi, R., Al-Safadi, R., Al-Tamami, M., Al-Sayeh, A., Al-Qanbar, M., Al-Taha, F., Al-Shaqaqeq, G., & Al-Sinan, M. (2019). Diagnosis and Treatment of Peri-implantitis among Dentists in Saudi Arabia . International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 6(03), 6787-6801. Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/1431


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