

Current Article is a conceptual research paper to highlight the conception of Neurofinancial decisionmaking dynamics. Researchers have spent a couple of days to comprehend the notion and connotation of
the Neurofinancial decision dynamics. The paper encompasses data from secondary sources. It has been
discerned from the studies undertaken that the Investment Pattern of individuals habitually follow a set of
decision-making processes which are conversed in the present article. The investigation recognizes that
the formal applications and techniques provides a prominent authentication of the brain activities related
with financial decision-making and thus demonstrating the significance of Neurofinance as a successful
and valuable tool for enhanced and ameliorated monetary decisiveness.
The study additionally finds the viability and efficacy of each model considered in this article and
explicates the correlation of the models with Neurofinancial decision-making process. The findings help
towards apprehending the risk preferences and the fortitude during investments. Neurofinance is an
interdisciplinary field that attempts to expose the human decision-making, the neural activity which shapes
the suppositions of the brain, the expertise in processing various alternatives available subsequent to a
specific game-plan.


How to Cite
Sagar. G , Dr. K. Janardhanam. (2017). A Study on Neurofinancial decision dynamics. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 4(09), 5920-5924. Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/1393