

The role of cryptographic part in today‟s world is very significant. It not only secures information
mathematically by mailing massage with a key but also provides confidentiality which is the most
important factor in today‟s world. Hill cipher is also one of the most famous symmetric cryptosystem
which can be used to protect information from unauthorized party. This paper gives us dimensions of new
technique in Hill cipher, here we are developing the complex procedure of key generation for the process
of encryption of message to avoid any kind of data loss. Hill cipher is a matrix based poly graphic
substitution which is an additional factor to the user.
A sender wants to transmit information to a receiver over an insecure channel that is a channel which may
be tapped by any one. So, the information which is to be transferred, which we call the plaintext (actual
message) which must be transformed (encrypt) to a cipher text, a form not legible by anybody other than
the particular receiver. There must be given some way to decrypt the cipher text, i.e. get back the original
message, while this must not be possible for receiver to read the information. This is where keys come
into play; the receiver is considered to have a key at his disposal, let him to recover the actual message, a
fact that distinguishes him from any data loss. This leads to the user for a secure account for user.


How to Cite
Archana , Ashish Vashisht. (2017). Encoding and Decoding information with the help of Hill Cipher. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 4(08), 5692-5696. Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/1323