

This paper describes about development of a new Live Communication Service provided over a network to its user.This paper aims towards describing the GPS technology in detail.The service described here comes under Location Based Networking.The user interface developed for Android based mobile phone provides access to the developed service whereas the server side coding composed in core Java and J2EE is made to run on a Cloud platform.This paper also  explains a new Algorithm known as RLCI or Remote Location Check In algorithm used in this developed service. The main aim of this paper is to explain the Networking involved in this service.The test performed over varied type of network with different GPS technology is utilized to make a comparative study of the parameters involved in networking.Location Based Networking described in this paper is motivated from resources and the services granted by Android operating System to provide location update using GPS.This paper is a work in a direction to make public safety  forward by one step. This paper is dedicated to the people of India and is an attempt to make our country a safer place  by using Live Network Communication service as a free  tool to update location  to combat emergency. 


Author Biography

Kuldeep Mukherjee*, Prof.Sankar Dasiga**, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology

*M.Tech student,DCN,


**Professor,Department of ECE,


How to Cite
Prof.Sankar Dasiga**, K. M. (2014). Live Communication Networking service developed exploiting GPS technology paradigms and Remote Location Update deployment over Cloud Network. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 1(04). Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/124


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