

Qualities and Skills are the most decisive factors for any leader to direct any organization systematically. In
this article researchers made an endevour to understand the viewpoint of Acharya Chanakya relating to the
qualities of leaders. Resercher also attempted to analyze the standpoint of Kautilya described in his book
Arthashastra in the perspective of „management and administration‟. Authors additionally made an attempt to
examine couple of essential qualities to be borne by the leader in these complex structural systems of the
organization and to what extent those qualities are relating with description provided by Acharaya Chanakya
in his evergreen book Arthasastara.
Entire research was directed in light of information accessible through the secondary source like books,
research paper, website and voice of few veteran organizational leaders.


How to Cite
Prof. (Dr.) Subhasish Chatterjee, Mrs. Sneha B Vyas. (2017). Qualities and Skills of Leaders (With Reference To Kautilya Arthashastra). International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 4(10), 6285-6291. Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/1239