

Information and awareness on gingival health enhances knowledge and from such knowledge comes
commitment and motivation for people to alter their lifestyles to prevent gingival and periodontal disease.
Repeating the oral hygiene instructions on each visit, prophylactic programs and good oral home care are
effective measures to prevent plaque accumulation and gingival enlargement for patients who are
undergoing orthodontic treatment. This study is undertaken to assess knowledge, attitude and practice of
gingival health among orthodontic patients.


How to Cite
Dr Priti Shrestha1 , Dr Rosha Shrestha2 , Dr Bhageshwar Dhami. (2016). Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Gingival Health among Patients under Active Orthodontic Treatment. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 3(09), 4554-4561. Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/1215