

In vitro study of the antimicrobial activity of Olive Leaf Extracts (OLE) was done against five different
bacterial human pathogens. One of gram positive (Staphyloccocus auras) and four gram negative (Proteus
vlugaris, Escherichia coli, klebselia pneumonia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) bacteria. Extract obtained
with methanol(80% ),The antimicrobial activity evaluated with disc diffusion method using (0.5- 1.0-
1.5)g/ml from the extract study, showed sensitivy on( S auras and E.coli) bacteria and resistant on The
other((Proteus vlugaris- klebselia pneumonia Pseudomonas aeruginosa) bacteria.
The diameters zones of minimum inhibition concentration of the olive leaf extract observed (11-19) mm
against S auras in 0.5 g/Ml and (9-11.)mm against E coli.in.5g/mL concentration .


How to Cite
Malka Eldar Elmahy Hamid Babker, A E F Osman, Neda, S.E.adam. (2017). The Antibacterial Effect of Olive Leaf in Sudan. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 4(11), 6356-6360. Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/1198