

3G technology has stimulated a wide variety of high band width applications on smart phones, such as video
streaming and content-rich web browsing. Although having those applications mobile is quite appealing,
high data rate transmission also poses huge demand for power. It has been revealed that the tail effect in 3G
radio operation results in significant energy drain on smart phones. Recent fast dormancy technique can be
utilized to remove tails but, without care, can degrade user experience. Implement Tail Theft in the Network
Simulator with a model for calculating energy consumption that is based on parameters measured from
mobile phones. When allowing for delays of a few seconds (acceptable for background applications), the
energy savings increase to between 62% and 75% for 3G, and 71% for LTE. The increased delays reduce the
number of state switches to be the same as in current networks with existing inactivity timers.


How to Cite
T.Ramesh1 , V.Umamaheswari2. (2016). Survey on Leveraging Social Networks for P2P Content-Based File Sharing in Disconnected MANETs. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 3(07), 4289-4295. Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/1138