

Regime of flow and migration rate is an important factor to estimate the rate of sediment transport and
identify the various shape of bed form geometry in natural Channels. It is also observed that as sediment
transport are totally dependent on regimes of flow and its occurrence in natural as well as in laboratory
channel is very difficult to predict. This experimental study is devoted to examine the flow regime
characteristics over sediment beds in open channel and also investigated the regimes of flow affected by the
sediment movement. It comprises a series of flume experiments on sediment bed of median size, d50= 0.38 mm
and 0.75 mm. In each set of experimental run the bed-form characteristics are examined. The experimental
results are compared with the various flow regime relationships to explore the impact of sediment movement.
Also, the bed-form migrations were studied for different flow conditions. Experimental investigations were
carried out with velocity measurements by a Pitot tube.


How to Cite
Amit Deb. (2017). Prediction of Flow Regimes and Bedform Migration. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 4(06), 5242-5252. Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/1131