

Now a day's healthcare industry is to provide better healthcare to people anytime and anywhere in the
world in a more economic and patient friendly manner. In the present paper the physiological parameters
such as ECG, Pulse rate and Temperature are obtained, processed using ARM7 LPC 2138 processor and
displayed in a MATLAB graphical user interface on the doctors worhsation. This system is low cost
component and to transmit Temperature sensor, ECG sensor and PPG sensor data to physicians for
monitoring, diagnosis purpose and patients care at a significantly low cost, regardless of patient's location.


How to Cite
Ashwini A. Mankari1 , D. S. Bhosale2. (2016). A Real Time Telehelth Monitoring System. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 3(06), 4094-4096. Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/1093