

This paper presents the vibration studies of flat thin membranes. Membrane structures are widely used
nowadays in various fields like aerospace, medicine, musical instruments due to their various desirable
properties. Hence it is important to study their vibration behavior. A free vibration analysis of flat prestressed membranes is carried out using finite element analysis code ANSYS and the results are
compared with analytical solutions. Good agreement between the two solutions is obtained.
Furthermore, vibration analysis of both stiffened and unstiffened membranes is carried out, the results
are compared and necessary conclusions are drawn.
FEA : Finite element analysis.
t : Time in seconds.
w(x,y,t) : Field variable.
T : Tension for pre-stressing in N/m.
H : thickness the membrane in mm.
w(x,y) : Eigen function.
W : Circular eigen frequency in Hz


How to Cite
Pavan P. Kadole1 , B. S. Suresh. (2016). Free Vibration Analysis of Stiffened and Unstiffened Membranes. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 3(04), 3800-3805. Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/1053