

Human Computer Interaction with hand gesture has become increasingly popular today. The physical mouse
device whether it is our basic desktop mouse or laptop touch pad, it require physical contact of user to convey
input. Many advanced technologies have came but they all require physical contact. Hence we need a
ubiquitous interface to do this. Our method is to use a camera device and computer gesture and voice based
technology, like image segmentation as well as gesture recognition, to control mouse actions such as left click,
double click, right click and dragging. We can show how it can do the things that present mouse devices can
do. Our project Gesture and Voice Based PC Control is a real time system capable of understanding mouse
commands given by hand gestures and voice commands. The end user is able to communicate with computer
with the commands given by hand gestures and voice commands. This will avoid the need of physical contact to
the computer to control mouse inputs. In this way the interface becomes ubiquitous.


How to Cite
Aliasgar Lokhandwala1 , Anurag Tiwari2 , Rupesh Patil3 , Sandeep Kamble4. (2016). Gesture and Voice Based PC Control Using Real Time Camera. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 3(03), 3738-3741. Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/1042