

This paper is mainly focused on single page rendering web application development using continuous
integration. The Continuous Integration (CI) is a software development life cycle process which mainly
focuses on automation and continuous delivering backlogs. Applying CI into the web application
development helps the developers have an effective application development and fulfil customer needs.
Move-View-Control (MVC) design pattern is used for code separation which helps to developer easily
understand code logic as well as debugging application. The development of the lifecycle is based on the
continuous integration and agile technique is analysed in reflecting the quality improvement. The
evolution of the continuous integration is used in single page rendering.


How to Cite
T.Nathiya1 , Dr S. Prasanna. (2016). Use of Continuous Integration in Single Page Rendering Web Application Development. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 3(03), 3661-3665. Retrieved from https://ijetst.igmpublication.org/index.php/ijetst/article/view/1030